As we come into 2016 all I can think is thank god that this year is behind me!
While not everything this year had been completely horrible a huge portion of it was!But lets start with some of the good things that happened this year.
The best thing that happened this year was finally getting to go to Disneyland!!! It was so amazing and fun! I still cannot get over how clean it is there. It was also the first time I had ever been out of Canada. The trip was amazing and I will cherish it forever. My favorite ride was California screaming but seriously all the rides were so fun! And the food is all so amazing. My favorites were the corn dogs and the kebabs. If I ever get to go again though I will try to go when the main attractions like splash mountain are not closed for maintenance!
I did go on a few other small trips this year that were great. In may me and my husband did a road trip to Vancouver so he could see swollen members concert. We camped out in our new car and had a great time just being together. We also went to Edmonton to spend time with my family. More great camping in the car nights and lots of fun was had! It was so hard to go home though I just wanted to stay and be with my mom. It is hard to be so far from her and in a perfect world we would all live in the same town at least!
Then in June we found out I was pregnant. This should have been a very happy thing but it was not what we wanted and I struggled with it. The struggle was so bad I wasn't sure I would be able to go through it. My thyroid problems made me worried that my body wouldn't be able to handle a pregnancy and my marriage was really rocky throughout the whole year so I wasn't sure bringing a baby into a failing family would be a good option. In the end I decided to keep the baby and now I am 9 weeks away from giving birth to a beautiful baby girl! I am still full of fears but I find myself more on the excited side then I did for the first 5 months of my pregnancy.
The worst thing that happened to me this year by far happened January 22nd when I found out my husband had been having an affair since November 2014 with someone who I thought was a friend and was pretty much family. Most of this took place online as he works in camp but it did also get physical. I had never been more crushed in my whole life. I trusted him completely and when I found out I lost all my self confidence that I spent years building up. I still don't have it back almost a year later. It affected every single moment of my whole year. Doubt and hurt and self hate has filled me almost every second of every day this year.
We got a brand new car as soon as my husband got back from camp because I could not possibly be expected to sit in the car he slept around with her in, and that really affected our financial situation. Money is much tighter then it was when our car payments were half of what they are now which of course adds a bit of stress to an already stressful situation.
I am just now beginning to gain back a small amount of trust for my husband but I still cannot find the love for myself that I used to have. I still spend so much time wondering what he is doing when he is away in camp and that alone is enough to drive one mad!
I still love my husband. And I understand that when he was looking somewhere else it was because I was not giving him what he needed. My thyroid problems made me pretty terrible to live with and I got so used to taking things out on him that I can see how it all began. I also know, after a year of fighting through the doubts that I am still not to blame for his actions and also that he didn't do what he did to hurt me but more to get what he needed which I believe was someone to tell him how great he was and to make him feel good about himself. It was not about the sex because during all that our sex life was still great.
I look forward to putting this terrible year behind me. We both work hard to have a better relationship and to have a complete family for our children to grow up in and I know that if he ever decided not to be with me that he will tell me straight up and not ever put me through all the secretive bullshit!
My hopes for 2016 are that we live a life of honesty, trust and love. That I have a healthy baby girl and that I get my own health under control. That we learn and grow together and that we are all happy. I want to get back into doing my photo shoots and regain my self confidence. I will leave the hurt the best I can in 2015 and move forward trying my best everyday to not dwell on the pain and to stop doubting. I know I may not always succeed but I also know I will do my very best.
If your year had been hard too I hope you can find some peace and move on to better things in 2016!
Linda Marie-Plus size Inspiration Blog
Welcome to my blog where I will share reviews and recipes and other things I feel like writing about! Hope you find some inspiration here! xoxoxoxo Linda Marie
Sunday, 27 December 2015
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
2015 The brutal truth!
Are you Broken?
I'm broken too
invisible cuts right down to my soul
always open and seeping
filling my once bright life with darkness
and despair.
What is happiness?
I sure don't know anymore
we haven't been together at all this year
ask me about heartache and I could tell you every detail
Time feels wasted
for time to heal everything but the wounds just keep seeping
with pain
with doubt with hate.
Life is a terrible joke sometimes
and I find it so hard to laugh
Sometimes I can wear a mask and no one even notices
I am withering away a little more each day.
All I am is hatred of myself
stuck in a never ending downward spiral.
This is not my life,
how can it be?
Some days I just wish I still lived unaware
blissfully fooled into believing the lie
You are amazing
you are confident
you are loved
You are safe in your position
in your life
But a lie unknown is still just a lie.
And lies always come to the surface
and destroy.
The lie destroyed all the good that was left in me
all the confidence
all the security
And I am nothing now but a shell
Continuing to exist in pain
inside myself there is nothing of light and joy left
We are held together by a new life
A daughter
and it should be a happy thing
But It is a fearful thing
a terrifying thing
because it will only destroy me more
My body will continue to be sick
fat and unlovable.
I don't know who I will be after the baby comes
or what my mind and body will throw at me next
The fear that I am only still here because she is occupying my body
is a very real fear to me.
I miss when I didn't fear anything
When I smiled and meant it!
When I was so secure in our love that it left no room for doubt.
I know I cannot go back
I can only go forward
Through the hurt and pain and doubt and fear
just hoping there is a light at the end of this scary dark tunnel that has been this year
I'm broken too
invisible cuts right down to my soul
always open and seeping
filling my once bright life with darkness
and despair.
What is happiness?
I sure don't know anymore
we haven't been together at all this year
ask me about heartache and I could tell you every detail
Time feels wasted
for time to heal everything but the wounds just keep seeping
with pain
with doubt with hate.
Life is a terrible joke sometimes
and I find it so hard to laugh
Sometimes I can wear a mask and no one even notices
I am withering away a little more each day.
All I am is hatred of myself
stuck in a never ending downward spiral.
This is not my life,
how can it be?
Some days I just wish I still lived unaware
blissfully fooled into believing the lie
You are amazing
you are confident
you are loved
You are safe in your position
in your life
But a lie unknown is still just a lie.
And lies always come to the surface
and destroy.
The lie destroyed all the good that was left in me
all the confidence
all the security
And I am nothing now but a shell
Continuing to exist in pain
inside myself there is nothing of light and joy left
We are held together by a new life
A daughter
and it should be a happy thing
But It is a fearful thing
a terrifying thing
because it will only destroy me more
My body will continue to be sick
fat and unlovable.
I don't know who I will be after the baby comes
or what my mind and body will throw at me next
The fear that I am only still here because she is occupying my body
is a very real fear to me.
I miss when I didn't fear anything
When I smiled and meant it!
When I was so secure in our love that it left no room for doubt.
I know I cannot go back
I can only go forward
Through the hurt and pain and doubt and fear
just hoping there is a light at the end of this scary dark tunnel that has been this year
Wednesday, 22 April 2015
Random thoughts about tummies and life going on.
I don't know about other woman and girls out there in the world but for me personally I have tummy obsession.
Suck it in,
Smooth it out,
What exercises will get rid of this fat?
I look great from the front but can they see my belly from the side?
These questions and thoughts go through my head everyday. Every single day! I am so careful how I dress and always dress to hide that most disturbing part of me. I occasionally crave to wear a nice pair of jeans but never have found any that hide it enough for me to buy them. I stay away from 2 piece bathing suits still..I do love my nice tummy hiding one piece though. My tummy is truly the thing I like least about myself. I got that fat from being pregnant and eating all wrong during and after. I had a C section and that made recovery after birth hard. I am a total wimp and I did not bounce back well.
But before all this happened when I was a teenager and I was a slim size 3 I never once thought about my stomach. I never poked it and thought how gross it was or had to dress around that one part of me. I was just me and I never even considered my body just being young and having fun. I miss those times when my body image wasn't even a thought in my head.
Before internet and selfies.
Before confidence was something I had to gain and work for back when it was something I just had naturally without thought or effort.
have a photo-shoot coming , the first of the year and I am struggling right now to grasp at my confidence and gather enough to make beautiful photos and to feel more confident from having done it but I am scared to death that recent events in my life have truly robbed me of all my self worth and confidence.
I am struggling but I am not giving up! I will continue to fight to feel happy in my skin and to share with others in hopes my struggles will help them and my successes will encourage them to succeed and to love themselves even through horrible times.
I realize this has kind of ended up a random collection of thoughts instead of the one thought it began with. I feel I learn from sharing and re reading my own writing about my problems. this gives me a fresh perspective and an easy view of how to begin choosing happiness once again!
Waiting for my rainbow.
Suck it in,
Smooth it out,
What exercises will get rid of this fat?
I look great from the front but can they see my belly from the side?
These questions and thoughts go through my head everyday. Every single day! I am so careful how I dress and always dress to hide that most disturbing part of me. I occasionally crave to wear a nice pair of jeans but never have found any that hide it enough for me to buy them. I stay away from 2 piece bathing suits still..I do love my nice tummy hiding one piece though. My tummy is truly the thing I like least about myself. I got that fat from being pregnant and eating all wrong during and after. I had a C section and that made recovery after birth hard. I am a total wimp and I did not bounce back well.
But before all this happened when I was a teenager and I was a slim size 3 I never once thought about my stomach. I never poked it and thought how gross it was or had to dress around that one part of me. I was just me and I never even considered my body just being young and having fun. I miss those times when my body image wasn't even a thought in my head.
Before internet and selfies.
Before confidence was something I had to gain and work for back when it was something I just had naturally without thought or effort.
have a photo-shoot coming , the first of the year and I am struggling right now to grasp at my confidence and gather enough to make beautiful photos and to feel more confident from having done it but I am scared to death that recent events in my life have truly robbed me of all my self worth and confidence.
I am struggling but I am not giving up! I will continue to fight to feel happy in my skin and to share with others in hopes my struggles will help them and my successes will encourage them to succeed and to love themselves even through horrible times.
I realize this has kind of ended up a random collection of thoughts instead of the one thought it began with. I feel I learn from sharing and re reading my own writing about my problems. this gives me a fresh perspective and an easy view of how to begin choosing happiness once again!
Waiting for my rainbow.
Monday, 30 March 2015
Letting go....
This is me don't have the power any more to lurk in my thoughts and fill me with self doubt and hatred. I take away the power you had to hurt me. I was giving you so much power over my whole life and that is stopping NOW!
You hurt me but you didn't break me! Even when I was beating down on myself using you as my excuse I was no were near to broken. I almost allowed myself to fall into nothing because I didn't want to face the hurt and hatred any more. I almost shut myself away and stopped living again. I had such a great happiness before you happened and I will have it back! It is my decisions now that have been holding me a prisoner of hate and doubt and pain. I will be a prisoner no more!
After today, after this moment , after this post I will not allow you into my thoughts any more. I will discard the hurt you left on my heart and my husband will heal it with his choice to be with me! We both choose each other and you will no longer take up any time in our life together or apart. You will not even be a ghost that follows us through our lifetime because I will not allow it!He will not allow it.
Your jealousy for what others have may someday bite you in the ass and times may find you betrayed and hurt and lost and I am sure those times you will think of what you did and remember how you ,believed in a lie and how he chose me when it mattered. In my last moment of your existence to me, I wish with all my heart that you will reap what you have sown and while I will never know if it happens I hope the pain is too much for you to bear. And I do hope you learn and become a better person.
Now my next breath and I release her from our lives. I banish her to her fate. I shall live and be happy..So freaking happy! Thank you to everyone who helped me through with your kind words and even your own heartbreak stories <3 I am so grateful to have wonderful friends and family! xoxoxo
You hurt me but you didn't break me! Even when I was beating down on myself using you as my excuse I was no were near to broken. I almost allowed myself to fall into nothing because I didn't want to face the hurt and hatred any more. I almost shut myself away and stopped living again. I had such a great happiness before you happened and I will have it back! It is my decisions now that have been holding me a prisoner of hate and doubt and pain. I will be a prisoner no more!
After today, after this moment , after this post I will not allow you into my thoughts any more. I will discard the hurt you left on my heart and my husband will heal it with his choice to be with me! We both choose each other and you will no longer take up any time in our life together or apart. You will not even be a ghost that follows us through our lifetime because I will not allow it!He will not allow it.
Your jealousy for what others have may someday bite you in the ass and times may find you betrayed and hurt and lost and I am sure those times you will think of what you did and remember how you ,believed in a lie and how he chose me when it mattered. In my last moment of your existence to me, I wish with all my heart that you will reap what you have sown and while I will never know if it happens I hope the pain is too much for you to bear. And I do hope you learn and become a better person.
Now my next breath and I release her from our lives. I banish her to her fate. I shall live and be happy..So freaking happy! Thank you to everyone who helped me through with your kind words and even your own heartbreak stories <3 I am so grateful to have wonderful friends and family! xoxoxo
Sunday, 8 March 2015
Confidence shines
My first shoot of 2015 was amazing!
To understand I will take you back to the last shoot of 2014....I was feeling so low. My thyroid was completely out of whack and I felt like I was stuck being an angry person all the time. I had no confidence to speak of and it showed in that shoot (at least to me it did). I couldn't sit still I was almost crying the whole time my makeup was getting hair was having an "I refuse to work for you " day. I felt awkward in my skin shaky and dizzy and I could not for the life of me figure out how I should be posing. Everything in my life seemed to be falling apart.
Because my photographer, Amanda, amazing she still managed to get some decent shots but even she noticed how off I was. I finally went to my doctor and told her I just couldn't continue on with the crazy ups and downs that my thyroid seemed to be throwing at me every month..It was like being on a roller coaster for ten years and nothing we were doing was helping control the problem. She seemed to finally hear me and we decided to change me to 2 different alternating doses of synthroid. This seems to be working well now! I began to feel like a person. a healthy and happy one... I found myself telling people how amazing I felt. It was the first time in 10 years that I felt hope for my future. Hope that I wasn't really the awful person I seemed to be because of all of my symptoms. I had truly began to think I was really just those symptoms and that I had nothing to offer anyone.
I almost lost my husband. I knew that I was making him miserable and I couldn't control myself at all. Basically my thyroid problem almost destroyed everything good in my life including myself!!
So now you understand how low I was and we can move on to the happy!! So everyday I felt better and after a month I felt like gold! I booked another shoot with chick to chic photography. Right away during Amanda doing my makeup she mentioned the complete change in me . No more watering eyes , no more anger and sickness. My hair worked perfect for me that day and I decided to step out of my usual comfort zone.
I had a pair of pasties sitting around and decided I wanted to wear them at this shoot! I felt comfortable in my skin. I had my confidence back!! I felt so very beautiful that day. And when I saw the results I couldn't get over the differences in me. I radiated confidence and self love.I swear I was almost glowing with my own joy!
Since then I found out some things that have destroyed that confidence again for me. I found out how truly close I came to loosing my husband. the love of my life.And now I am working hard to grasp those amazing feelings again but so far I am failing at it!
I truly believe confidence is not something you just get and then its yours to keep and you never have to work at it again. It is a constant struggle. It is a choice you have to make to block out the bad thoughts that you are slowly killing yourself with and choose to focus on the good. So don't feel bad when you have a bad day just stop the thoughts in your head and choose to try to see the good. And if that should fail try to fake it till you make it! just saying I feel confident today even when you don't can help...after a few days telling yourself that you may just find it to be true!
When I see these pictures though I remember that amazing feeling and how I am willing to work hard to get them back! I am going to choose to love me today! You do the same!!!
Note: My boobs are big! of course they are not always super perky :)
Credits :
To understand I will take you back to the last shoot of 2014....I was feeling so low. My thyroid was completely out of whack and I felt like I was stuck being an angry person all the time. I had no confidence to speak of and it showed in that shoot (at least to me it did). I couldn't sit still I was almost crying the whole time my makeup was getting hair was having an "I refuse to work for you " day. I felt awkward in my skin shaky and dizzy and I could not for the life of me figure out how I should be posing. Everything in my life seemed to be falling apart.
Because my photographer, Amanda, amazing she still managed to get some decent shots but even she noticed how off I was. I finally went to my doctor and told her I just couldn't continue on with the crazy ups and downs that my thyroid seemed to be throwing at me every month..It was like being on a roller coaster for ten years and nothing we were doing was helping control the problem. She seemed to finally hear me and we decided to change me to 2 different alternating doses of synthroid. This seems to be working well now! I began to feel like a person. a healthy and happy one... I found myself telling people how amazing I felt. It was the first time in 10 years that I felt hope for my future. Hope that I wasn't really the awful person I seemed to be because of all of my symptoms. I had truly began to think I was really just those symptoms and that I had nothing to offer anyone.
I almost lost my husband. I knew that I was making him miserable and I couldn't control myself at all. Basically my thyroid problem almost destroyed everything good in my life including myself!!
So now you understand how low I was and we can move on to the happy!! So everyday I felt better and after a month I felt like gold! I booked another shoot with chick to chic photography. Right away during Amanda doing my makeup she mentioned the complete change in me . No more watering eyes , no more anger and sickness. My hair worked perfect for me that day and I decided to step out of my usual comfort zone.
I had a pair of pasties sitting around and decided I wanted to wear them at this shoot! I felt comfortable in my skin. I had my confidence back!! I felt so very beautiful that day. And when I saw the results I couldn't get over the differences in me. I radiated confidence and self love.I swear I was almost glowing with my own joy!
Since then I found out some things that have destroyed that confidence again for me. I found out how truly close I came to loosing my husband. the love of my life.And now I am working hard to grasp those amazing feelings again but so far I am failing at it!
I truly believe confidence is not something you just get and then its yours to keep and you never have to work at it again. It is a constant struggle. It is a choice you have to make to block out the bad thoughts that you are slowly killing yourself with and choose to focus on the good. So don't feel bad when you have a bad day just stop the thoughts in your head and choose to try to see the good. And if that should fail try to fake it till you make it! just saying I feel confident today even when you don't can help...after a few days telling yourself that you may just find it to be true!
When I see these pictures though I remember that amazing feeling and how I am willing to work hard to get them back! I am going to choose to love me today! You do the same!!!
Note: My boobs are big! of course they are not always super perky :)
Credits :

Friday, 23 January 2015
In our lives there are always moments of great joy and great sorrow. People will hurt you and help you. So is the roller coaster of our lives. And sometimes these things will ripple out to impact others both positively and negatively. And what you put out you get back. So when your helpful and nice ..good nice things will happen to you and if your hurtful and deceiving bad things will come your way. I try to remember this in my daily life.Even though I have been hurt and lied to and made to feel like less then I am, I still try not to take all that hurt and hand it back to the world. I hold that pain and instead throw out good vibes. helping and healing inside others where inside me is only hurt.
Questions come up like where do we go from here and can this ever be right again? I don't have the answers and its scary and stupid and I know I will get flack for trying to go on. So many people hurting now from the actions of 2 unhappy people who couldn't be honest. Their lies make my stomach turn and the results of them breaks my heart.
A vow isn't something to be taken lightly. It is a promise. And once broken things can never fully be repaired. Trust is so hard to build and building it up the 2nd or third time is even more difficult. You might be able to glue a broken vase together again but you will always see the cracks and chips.
So today remember that it is better to come straight out with the truth then it is to lie. The truth you tell today might hurt someone but the lies you tell today will hurt so many more! Be the change you want to see in this world! Truth and love to you all today <3
Questions come up like where do we go from here and can this ever be right again? I don't have the answers and its scary and stupid and I know I will get flack for trying to go on. So many people hurting now from the actions of 2 unhappy people who couldn't be honest. Their lies make my stomach turn and the results of them breaks my heart.
A vow isn't something to be taken lightly. It is a promise. And once broken things can never fully be repaired. Trust is so hard to build and building it up the 2nd or third time is even more difficult. You might be able to glue a broken vase together again but you will always see the cracks and chips.
So today remember that it is better to come straight out with the truth then it is to lie. The truth you tell today might hurt someone but the lies you tell today will hurt so many more! Be the change you want to see in this world! Truth and love to you all today <3
Wednesday, 31 December 2014
2014 Looking back but moving forward!
Moments I cherish and want to remember forever. Accomplishments. Hope.
~ My page got to 2500 likes
~Published for the 1st time in D'lovely desires edition of D'lovely publications magazine
~ Booked my photo shoot with Cat Tetreault Photography and mentoring session With Bianca Bombshell
~ Published in D'lovely derrieres
~ Published in Fashion bombshell issue 12 -boudoir edition
~ Published in Fashion Bombshell Issue 13 - The Black/White Edition
~ Published in Fashion Bombshell Issue 14: Spring Pinup Edition
~ Book cover for Red Reverie's book intermezzo
~ Met Bianca Bombshell and had an amazing shoot with Cat tertreault photography
~ Shot for the first time with Pin up perfection photography
~ Published in Risqué Pinups No. 3
~ Published in vicious vixens 2015 pinup calendar 18+
~ Made my own calendar
~ Sold some prints! exciting to think I am on someones wall!
~ got my first fan art by Godzillasmash1! he drew me twice! and my mom bought me his artwork as a christmas present <3
~Fan art done by Alex Jurck
~ My page reached 7000 likes !
~Had a Vintagebox1947 hairpiece named after me
And some regular life stuff that happened...
~ Celebrated my sons 6th birthday
~ Celebrated my 7th year of marriage to my wonderful husband
~ Got to go on vacations
~ Got a new vehicle
~ My baby brother, Dante, was born
~ I got to visit everyone in my family.
~ Started planning Disneyland trip march 2015!
Life has been good to me this year!
I have not been without struggles though. I have been having a terrible time health wise. I just cannot seem to get my thyroid to stay in a normal range and so I suffer dizzy spells , sweating, moodiness, sleeplessness, no tolerance for hot or cold. As hard as it is on me it is even harder on my husband who I have to admit gets my badness taken out on him more often than he should. If I am feeling sick I have no patience and snap easily. I suffer from anxiety and so I am always accusing him of stupid things. But somehow he has managed to stay with me even when I take things out on him. I am really hoping that 2015 will bring my body and mind some stability.
Thank you to all the amazing people I have met this year and all those who have supported me in my journey! I wish you all the best in 2015!
~ My page got to 2500 likes
~Published for the 1st time in D'lovely desires edition of D'lovely publications magazine
~ Booked my photo shoot with Cat Tetreault Photography and mentoring session With Bianca Bombshell
~ Published in D'lovely derrieres
~ Published in Fashion bombshell issue 12 -boudoir edition
~ Published in Fashion Bombshell Issue 13 - The Black/White Edition
~ Published in Fashion Bombshell Issue 14: Spring Pinup Edition
~ Book cover for Red Reverie's book intermezzo
~ Met Bianca Bombshell and had an amazing shoot with Cat tertreault photography
~ Shot for the first time with Pin up perfection photography
~ Published in Risqué Pinups No. 3
~ Published in vicious vixens 2015 pinup calendar 18+
~ Made my own calendar
~ Sold some prints! exciting to think I am on someones wall!
~ got my first fan art by Godzillasmash1! he drew me twice! and my mom bought me his artwork as a christmas present <3
~Fan art done by Alex Jurck
~ My page reached 7000 likes !
~Had a Vintagebox1947 hairpiece named after me
And some regular life stuff that happened...
~ Celebrated my sons 6th birthday
~ Celebrated my 7th year of marriage to my wonderful husband
~ Got to go on vacations
~ Got a new vehicle
~ My baby brother, Dante, was born
~ I got to visit everyone in my family.
~ Started planning Disneyland trip march 2015!
Life has been good to me this year!
I have not been without struggles though. I have been having a terrible time health wise. I just cannot seem to get my thyroid to stay in a normal range and so I suffer dizzy spells , sweating, moodiness, sleeplessness, no tolerance for hot or cold. As hard as it is on me it is even harder on my husband who I have to admit gets my badness taken out on him more often than he should. If I am feeling sick I have no patience and snap easily. I suffer from anxiety and so I am always accusing him of stupid things. But somehow he has managed to stay with me even when I take things out on him. I am really hoping that 2015 will bring my body and mind some stability.
Thank you to all the amazing people I have met this year and all those who have supported me in my journey! I wish you all the best in 2015!
Saturday, 13 December 2014
Bad days...
Everybody has them! those days when you just don't want to not be in your skin anymore. When your body suddenly becomes a hated enemy that is only working against you. Sometimes "BAD " is just not enough to describe these days!
I have had a few ,terrible,awful evil bad bad days, recently and I was getting more and more down on myself about being fat.I had been eating healthy and working out more and was starting to see results and then fell back into my bad habit of loving food a little too much! I felt like I was failing and instead of pushing myself harder I took the easy way out and gave up.I moped about it and stewed over it for 3 days and made myself hate my body and myself for not being strong enough to fight through cravings and follow through with my eating plans.
Then last night at my best friends house her soon to be daughter in law Miranda came in to the house and told me I looked like I had lost weight. This was something I really needed to hear from someone who wouldn't just say that ! I began to feel a bit better about my body and when I went home and looked in the mirror I saw what she saw!
Today I was getting ready for my photo shoot and I was angry because my hair wouldn't work and I was certain somehow these pictures would end up awful because how I have been feeling about myself would be obvious. But after fighting with my hair until it was decent and arriving to get my makeup done I slowly started to go back into what I like to call "sexy Linda mode". I remembered what Miranda said and I felt confident although not as confident as my usual self I have to admit.
My husband came in to lace my corsets up during the shoot and I was shocked to find my corsets had to be tightened till they were fully closed! I always have about a 2 inch gap.! I was so happy to have all these little things to remind me that I didn't fail and I can continue even if I have a few bad days.
I don't want to eat healthy and work out to get skinny! I just want to be healthy. It is a constant struggle for me because of my thyroid problems. After being diagnosed with graves disease and then having RAI (radioactive iodine) to kill of my thyroid I now take thyroid replacement pills for the rest of my life. That wouldn't be the most horrible thing except even after 10 years my meds never keep me in a good range for more then a few months before I am thrown to either way to high or way to low. It is a roller-coaster I wish I could get off of and makes my emotions ridiculous!
I learned today though that bad days eventually turn into good days and that it is fine to have bad days! I didn't fail at anything because I hated myself for a few days I just learned how to come back to feeling confident and proud of my body. Boudoir shoots work every time for me. So try not to beat yourself up over bad days just hold on till the good ones and come back even stronger for it!
Linda xoxoxoxo
I have had a few ,terrible,awful evil bad bad days, recently and I was getting more and more down on myself about being fat.I had been eating healthy and working out more and was starting to see results and then fell back into my bad habit of loving food a little too much! I felt like I was failing and instead of pushing myself harder I took the easy way out and gave up.I moped about it and stewed over it for 3 days and made myself hate my body and myself for not being strong enough to fight through cravings and follow through with my eating plans.
Then last night at my best friends house her soon to be daughter in law Miranda came in to the house and told me I looked like I had lost weight. This was something I really needed to hear from someone who wouldn't just say that ! I began to feel a bit better about my body and when I went home and looked in the mirror I saw what she saw!
Today I was getting ready for my photo shoot and I was angry because my hair wouldn't work and I was certain somehow these pictures would end up awful because how I have been feeling about myself would be obvious. But after fighting with my hair until it was decent and arriving to get my makeup done I slowly started to go back into what I like to call "sexy Linda mode". I remembered what Miranda said and I felt confident although not as confident as my usual self I have to admit.
My husband came in to lace my corsets up during the shoot and I was shocked to find my corsets had to be tightened till they were fully closed! I always have about a 2 inch gap.! I was so happy to have all these little things to remind me that I didn't fail and I can continue even if I have a few bad days.
I don't want to eat healthy and work out to get skinny! I just want to be healthy. It is a constant struggle for me because of my thyroid problems. After being diagnosed with graves disease and then having RAI (radioactive iodine) to kill of my thyroid I now take thyroid replacement pills for the rest of my life. That wouldn't be the most horrible thing except even after 10 years my meds never keep me in a good range for more then a few months before I am thrown to either way to high or way to low. It is a roller-coaster I wish I could get off of and makes my emotions ridiculous!
I learned today though that bad days eventually turn into good days and that it is fine to have bad days! I didn't fail at anything because I hated myself for a few days I just learned how to come back to feeling confident and proud of my body. Boudoir shoots work every time for me. So try not to beat yourself up over bad days just hold on till the good ones and come back even stronger for it!
Linda xoxoxoxo
Thursday, 30 October 2014
Ursula inspired Halloween costume!
Happy Halloween!
I am so excited to blog about my super amazing Ursula inspired sea witch costume! I make tutus and sell them and had a brilliant thought to turn a tutu into tentacles! Non of this would have worked without my amazing husbands help!
I started with a shopping trip an hour and a half to the town over from us to Michaels ( )craft store, where I bought sea shells for earrings and my hair and jewels and tiny shells for my face, and simply spray spray dye in black.
once home I painted the shells and made them into earrings and hair things! They turned out pretty awesome!
I am so excited to blog about my super amazing Ursula inspired sea witch costume! I make tutus and sell them and had a brilliant thought to turn a tutu into tentacles! Non of this would have worked without my amazing husbands help!
I started with a shopping trip an hour and a half to the town over from us to Michaels ( )craft store, where I bought sea shells for earrings and my hair and jewels and tiny shells for my face, and simply spray spray dye in black.
once home I painted the shells and made them into earrings and hair things! They turned out pretty awesome!
The next step was to make the tutu! I spent a long time cutting all the tulle and getting it put together! Then my hubby went to the hardware store to get wire and came up with the perfect way to attach it to the tutu! Between the two of us we managed to get all the tentacles looking right! I had to use 2 crinolines and and amazing long black skirt by Hips and curves ( )to get the poof I wanted and to hide my legs :)
Next up was time to dye my corset from orchard corset ( ) ! I won this zebra print corset from them a year or two ago and had already used it in a shoot . I had originally planned to purchase a brand new corset for my costume but didn't ennd up hainf the money for it! Thankfully this corset could easily be made black and still have the textured look I wanted! I took it outside and used the simply spray dye! I had bought 2 cans of it but one can malfunctioned and we had to make another trip to the next town over to get more! I ended up using 3 cans and kinda missed a few tiny spots but loved how it came out anyways!
We all know details are important and I love how my nail artist Corrine from Attitude South ( ) made my nails the perfect detail!
It was finally time to put it all together and who better to help than Lana from kids den events ( ) ! She turned me into a luminescent shimmering beautiful sea witch! putting on all those gems and shells was a lot of work!
homemade costume,
Little mermaid,
nail art,
Tuesday, 30 September 2014 are SWEET
Hey everybody!
Time to review some seriously awesome leggings! I first heard of these from the Queen of pin-up faces, Bianca bombshell!(Go look at her page and like it and then spend the day drooling and adoring like the rest of us ;)
She posted a picture of the coolest leggings and if she says something is great I always know I can trust her opinion, so I went to the website to check them out myself. I was a little skeptical because I am plus sized and the plus size is a one size fits kind of sizing. I decided it was worth the risk and went ahead and ordered 2 pairs, They arrived super fast and I eagerly opened the package. When I held up the pants I first noticed how amazingly soft they are! Like OMG soft! Then I thought to myself how they didn't really look like they would fit. I was in for a surprise as these smaller looking leggings hugged gently to my legs and fit like a dream. I do believe these are the best leggings EVER :)
Time to review some seriously awesome leggings! I first heard of these from the Queen of pin-up faces, Bianca bombshell!(Go look at her page and like it and then spend the day drooling and adoring like the rest of us ;)
She posted a picture of the coolest leggings and if she says something is great I always know I can trust her opinion, so I went to the website to check them out myself. I was a little skeptical because I am plus sized and the plus size is a one size fits kind of sizing. I decided it was worth the risk and went ahead and ordered 2 pairs, They arrived super fast and I eagerly opened the package. When I held up the pants I first noticed how amazingly soft they are! Like OMG soft! Then I thought to myself how they didn't really look like they would fit. I was in for a surprise as these smaller looking leggings hugged gently to my legs and fit like a dream. I do believe these are the best leggings EVER :)
I love them so much I recently bought 2 more pairs! One of them is the fleece leggings and are going to be so wonderful for the northern winters here in British Columbia! I am so excited that dress season won't end with the first snowfall!! So I say go buy them! and then buy some more! I plan to!!!
Sunday, 21 September 2014
Kix'ies Review
Today I am reviewing Kix'ies thigh highs!( )
First off I must say one great thing about this company is the fact that a portion of the price goes to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in honor of her dad who passed away 20 years ago. I really enjoy buying things more if they are giving back in such an awesome way.
Now on to the actual product! These thigh highs are AMAZING! They don't dig in. They don't fall down. They fit bigger thighs! They do everything they claim too and in this world that is a rare thing:)
I first saw them on the Curvygirl lingerie Facebook page ( ) then again on Lady Scarletts page ( ) . She raved about them and I finally decided to give them a try! At first 18.95 seemed a bit high a price but honestly now I feel they are worth every penny! I ordered 2 pairs. The Ally, which features adorable polka dots and the Tiffany Which has diamond shapes.
Shipping was fairly fast and reasonable. When The package got here it had a special little makeup surprise in it and a fabulous coupon for 5$ pair of Kixies that would work for all your friends and family too! So of course I bought myself another pair! And that pair also came with makeup and a personal use 5$ pair coupon so I went ahead and got another pair the too!
With so many new styles that have come out you will find a pair of Kix'ies to go with any outfit you should choose to rock!
Here is a photo taken by Cat Tetreault Photography ( ) this summer where I rocked a pair of these amazing thigh highs <3 buy them here -
First off I must say one great thing about this company is the fact that a portion of the price goes to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in honor of her dad who passed away 20 years ago. I really enjoy buying things more if they are giving back in such an awesome way.
Now on to the actual product! These thigh highs are AMAZING! They don't dig in. They don't fall down. They fit bigger thighs! They do everything they claim too and in this world that is a rare thing:)
I first saw them on the Curvygirl lingerie Facebook page ( ) then again on Lady Scarletts page ( ) . She raved about them and I finally decided to give them a try! At first 18.95 seemed a bit high a price but honestly now I feel they are worth every penny! I ordered 2 pairs. The Ally, which features adorable polka dots and the Tiffany Which has diamond shapes.
Shipping was fairly fast and reasonable. When The package got here it had a special little makeup surprise in it and a fabulous coupon for 5$ pair of Kixies that would work for all your friends and family too! So of course I bought myself another pair! And that pair also came with makeup and a personal use 5$ pair coupon so I went ahead and got another pair the too!
With so many new styles that have come out you will find a pair of Kix'ies to go with any outfit you should choose to rock!
Here is a photo taken by Cat Tetreault Photography ( ) this summer where I rocked a pair of these amazing thigh highs <3 buy them here -
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
Getting back into it..and Lola getz again :)
Hello again! I know I know It has been a while..again! I have been on the go vacationing all summer and then the school strike meant I had to become a teacher for my son so he wouldn't fall behind at all. Now that summer is over though I am going to make time to write! I am thinking I will start to take 15 minutes everyday to log in and blog about whatever topic happens to be on my mind. Today I want to write more about the amazing skirts and dresses by Lola getz!
On vacation I was lucky enough to get to meet the creator of these fabulous products when I met up with her downtown Vancouver to get this amazing troll skirt and top! She was so nice and looked so fabulous. I love that I can wear the skirt with any top I want!
On vacation I was lucky enough to get to meet the creator of these fabulous products when I met up with her downtown Vancouver to get this amazing troll skirt and top! She was so nice and looked so fabulous. I love that I can wear the skirt with any top I want!
On my last review I showed you a picture of my cat fabric I was sending to have made into a skirt! Here is that fabulous creation! I love the 2 smaller bands of elastic on the waist! It makes for such a great fit.
I am looking forward to receiving the two Halloween skirts I recently ordered! These skirts are perfect for any occasion and are custom made to fit you the way you like! Great quality products made by a super awesome gal for reasonable prices! What more could a girl ask for?.....Oh ya the link to where you can get yours!!!
Wednesday, 28 May 2014
Today you called me Disgusting.....
Today you called me Disgusting.....
You told me to find Jesus. Jesus wants me to tell you that he would never say or do something knowing it would hurt someone. Kindness. Compassion. Basic human decency. Perhaps someday you will learn about these things.I am sorry you are so unfortunate to not have those basic quality's. Good luck with your misguided worship and I hope no one ever makes you feel the way you made me feel.
You told me to go to the gym. Well I hope your grateful that god has given you perfection as some of us were not so lucky. some of us can starve ourselves of the fast food and sugary sweets and still put on weight. We can spend hours killing ourselves working out , only to not loose a pound. We take medicine to help our body regulate itself which also keeps the weight from going anywhere. But I am so pleased this isn't the case for you. You will probably never know the struggle.hurt.anger.heartbreak.sadness. pain. That so many thousands of people are dealing with at this very moment. How very nice for you.
Disgusting you said. And it hurt for a second because I have thought that of myself so often and worked so hard to build myself up and away from those negative thoughts. I didn't need to be reminded. But thank you for reminding me because you also reminded me how strong I am and how the opinions of one man will not make or break me!! I am perfect because of my imperfections. Never let anyone else dictate how you should feel about yourself.
And I feel Beautiful <3
You told me to find Jesus. Jesus wants me to tell you that he would never say or do something knowing it would hurt someone. Kindness. Compassion. Basic human decency. Perhaps someday you will learn about these things.I am sorry you are so unfortunate to not have those basic quality's. Good luck with your misguided worship and I hope no one ever makes you feel the way you made me feel.
You told me to go to the gym. Well I hope your grateful that god has given you perfection as some of us were not so lucky. some of us can starve ourselves of the fast food and sugary sweets and still put on weight. We can spend hours killing ourselves working out , only to not loose a pound. We take medicine to help our body regulate itself which also keeps the weight from going anywhere. But I am so pleased this isn't the case for you. You will probably never know the struggle.hurt.anger.heartbreak.sadness. pain. That so many thousands of people are dealing with at this very moment. How very nice for you.
Disgusting you said. And it hurt for a second because I have thought that of myself so often and worked so hard to build myself up and away from those negative thoughts. I didn't need to be reminded. But thank you for reminding me because you also reminded me how strong I am and how the opinions of one man will not make or break me!! I am perfect because of my imperfections. Never let anyone else dictate how you should feel about yourself.
And I feel Beautiful <3
Tuesday, 6 May 2014
Lola Getz Skirt review
Hello again!
Today I am going to review 2 skirts by Lola Getz (!/lolagetzdesigns ) !
I was contacted via my page (!/pages/Linda-Marie-Plus-Size-inspiration/146197205534202 ) and asked if I would like to try out a skirt! I jumped on this chance as it was the first time I had ever been asked and I loved the skirts I had seen so far on her Facebook page and Etsy shops ( ) !
She got my measurements and preferences like what length and if I liked pockets and what kind of fabrics I preferred and went to work and was finished pretty fast! She sent me the tracking number which was awesome because I didn't have to guess when it would arrive! I was super excited on Monday when it said the package was on a truck for delivery!
The package got here and I opened it right away! It was wrapped nicely in yellow paper and I was super surprised to find not one but TWO skirts And a beautiful card with some birthday wishes for me <3 Such a nice surprise and I loved both skirts instantly!
I can only conclude this with the fact that these skirts are amazing in quality, functionality, comfort and cuteness! So much so in fact that I am sending her this adorable cat fabric I have had forever to get it made into a skirt!
Today I am going to review 2 skirts by Lola Getz (!/lolagetzdesigns ) !
I was contacted via my page (!/pages/Linda-Marie-Plus-Size-inspiration/146197205534202 ) and asked if I would like to try out a skirt! I jumped on this chance as it was the first time I had ever been asked and I loved the skirts I had seen so far on her Facebook page and Etsy shops ( ) !
She got my measurements and preferences like what length and if I liked pockets and what kind of fabrics I preferred and went to work and was finished pretty fast! She sent me the tracking number which was awesome because I didn't have to guess when it would arrive! I was super excited on Monday when it said the package was on a truck for delivery!
The package got here and I opened it right away! It was wrapped nicely in yellow paper and I was super surprised to find not one but TWO skirts And a beautiful card with some birthday wishes for me <3 Such a nice surprise and I loved both skirts instantly!
I tried on the red zebra print one with the cute heart pocket first! Its other features include a half stretch red band allowing for easy on and off and fabulous comfort and a nice red trim! The pocket while functioning won't keep your stuff secure so anything you don't wanna loose don't put in there! lol I find that I love the pocket anyway!
The second skirt was made of a fabulous ice cream cone fabric! It features nice deep pockets , white trim, , a zipper and a stiffer band. This almost caused a problem as my hips are a bit bigger then my waist and it didn't want to go over but I solved that problem by pulling it on over my head! This style is more unforgiving because the waist band doesn't stretch but it also makes it more secure around your waist then the half stretch band. I really really love the pockets on this one!They are my favourite feature!I can only conclude this with the fact that these skirts are amazing in quality, functionality, comfort and cuteness! So much so in fact that I am sending her this adorable cat fabric I have had forever to get it made into a skirt!
Wednesday, 5 February 2014
I am real! A short version of my journey to being an inspiration.
I am real!
I am an ordinary woman just like every other woman out there. I am a Mother. I am a Wife. I cook and clean. I spend a lot of my time at home. My life is not glamorous. I live in a townhouse close to what is the worst part of the town I live in because it is affordable. I struggle.
I am Curvy. I was curvy at 16 years old when I was a size 3 and I am curvy now at a size 16. I understand everyones views because I have been on both ends of the spectrum. I went through a period in my life where I hated my body. Everyone does. Mine was after having my son and having my body change so far so fast.
Then my family photographer offered a boudoir shoot. I really enjoyed the idea of having some pictures done so my man could take them to work. They came out amazing and I saw myself in a new light. I started doing as many shoots as I could! Every one built my confidence up higher and higher. I decided I wanted to share my pictures with my girl friends so I made my page.
My biggest role model is Bianca Bombshell. One day she shared my page on hers and so many people flooded my page. I received message after message from women who told me I had changed there opinions of themselves by sharing my photos and confidence with them. Not just plus size girls but skinny girls. REAL woman. And I touched their lives and made them start a journey to love themselves too!
I am a real woman encouraging other real woman to love themselves. I believe ALL woman are real curvy woman. Big or small. short or tall. All of us are beautiful.
Believe it!
These quotes from friends/fans really touched me :)
"I think your appeal is that for straight women, you are a real person that we can all relate to or want to be: a stay-at-home Mom of a young son, and wife of a really sweet guy. You are edgy and sweet, responsible and mischievous, even a "safe" "bad girl". For the straight men and lesbian women, you are someone with whom they can imagine being in relationship! Gay men (and all the rest of us) admire your style and good humour. All that!"
" You radiate everything that is beautiful about being a woman. You inspire others to be confident in their skin, you help women learn to love themselves! You manage to take each one of your curves and turn them into something admirable, into something to be proud of. You represent real women, you have your finger on the pulse of what curvy women want! I would choose you to boldly and tastefully represent those curves any day!"
"..u r real..u r beautiful inside and out being exactly who u r .also u take pride in inspiring others to b happy with themselves no matter what. You r everything a model these days should b. U r the modern day Marilyn Monroe ♡"
I am amazed still that people really see what I stand for and think so much of it <3 Thank you!
I am an ordinary woman just like every other woman out there. I am a Mother. I am a Wife. I cook and clean. I spend a lot of my time at home. My life is not glamorous. I live in a townhouse close to what is the worst part of the town I live in because it is affordable. I struggle.
I am Curvy. I was curvy at 16 years old when I was a size 3 and I am curvy now at a size 16. I understand everyones views because I have been on both ends of the spectrum. I went through a period in my life where I hated my body. Everyone does. Mine was after having my son and having my body change so far so fast.
Then my family photographer offered a boudoir shoot. I really enjoyed the idea of having some pictures done so my man could take them to work. They came out amazing and I saw myself in a new light. I started doing as many shoots as I could! Every one built my confidence up higher and higher. I decided I wanted to share my pictures with my girl friends so I made my page.
My biggest role model is Bianca Bombshell. One day she shared my page on hers and so many people flooded my page. I received message after message from women who told me I had changed there opinions of themselves by sharing my photos and confidence with them. Not just plus size girls but skinny girls. REAL woman. And I touched their lives and made them start a journey to love themselves too!
I am a real woman encouraging other real woman to love themselves. I believe ALL woman are real curvy woman. Big or small. short or tall. All of us are beautiful.
Believe it!
These quotes from friends/fans really touched me :)
"I think your appeal is that for straight women, you are a real person that we can all relate to or want to be: a stay-at-home Mom of a young son, and wife of a really sweet guy. You are edgy and sweet, responsible and mischievous, even a "safe" "bad girl". For the straight men and lesbian women, you are someone with whom they can imagine being in relationship! Gay men (and all the rest of us) admire your style and good humour. All that!"
" You radiate everything that is beautiful about being a woman. You inspire others to be confident in their skin, you help women learn to love themselves! You manage to take each one of your curves and turn them into something admirable, into something to be proud of. You represent real women, you have your finger on the pulse of what curvy women want! I would choose you to boldly and tastefully represent those curves any day!"
"..u r real..u r beautiful inside and out being exactly who u r .also u take pride in inspiring others to b happy with themselves no matter what. You r everything a model these days should b. U r the modern day Marilyn Monroe ♡"
I am amazed still that people really see what I stand for and think so much of it <3 Thank you!
Monday, 25 November 2013
Julie's Edible Bouquets freshness test
Recently I was asked if I would be interested in helping out Julie over at Julie's Edible Bouquets (!/juliesediblebouquets ) in a freshness taste test! I ,of course, said YES.
Today Julie dropped off 7 individually wrapped cake pops. My test began with eating one of these awesome chocolate cake pops and then practising some serious self restraint by not eating another one !LOL.
On day one the taste is perfection. Moist cake on the inside and great quality chocolate coating it. You can truly taste the good quality.
Today Julie dropped off 7 individually wrapped cake pops. My test began with eating one of these awesome chocolate cake pops and then practising some serious self restraint by not eating another one !LOL.
On day one the taste is perfection. Moist cake on the inside and great quality chocolate coating it. You can truly taste the good quality.
Day two tastes just as good as day one ! Delicious
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
The Lush Bodies Boudoir experience!
I just have to tell you about the amazing experience I had yesterday! I travelled down to Williams Lake BC to do a boudoir shoot with Lush Bodies Boudoir Jana Roller Photography! She is Fantastic!Find her facebook page here...
Let me start at the beginning. I arrived at 10 Am at her studio and was greeted warmly by both the photographer and the hair/makeup stylist and we got straight to it after she offered water! I am always doing my own hair and makeup when I get shoots done so it was a bit nerve racking to have someone else do me over but she was fast and confident and soon I looked like a super model! I could not have been happier with how it turned out! check out her web site here... . She is also a party/wedding planner and from the conversations we had she is amazing at her job!
Now with my perfect hair and makeup done the hair stylist left and Jana started checking out outfits and she let me know how things would go down and she really has her setup perfect! A small space became many different backgrounds and we even went outside! I was completely comfortable in seconds and really loved how she has ideas and wants to try things and makes things perfect. I left a very very satisfied customer!!
To make this even better today she posted not one but two photos of me and they are both AMAZING!Follow the link to her facebook page if you wanna take a peek and like her page her work is all stunning. I hope to work with both Jana and Tovi again soon!
Let me start at the beginning. I arrived at 10 Am at her studio and was greeted warmly by both the photographer and the hair/makeup stylist and we got straight to it after she offered water! I am always doing my own hair and makeup when I get shoots done so it was a bit nerve racking to have someone else do me over but she was fast and confident and soon I looked like a super model! I could not have been happier with how it turned out! check out her web site here... . She is also a party/wedding planner and from the conversations we had she is amazing at her job!
Now with my perfect hair and makeup done the hair stylist left and Jana started checking out outfits and she let me know how things would go down and she really has her setup perfect! A small space became many different backgrounds and we even went outside! I was completely comfortable in seconds and really loved how she has ideas and wants to try things and makes things perfect. I left a very very satisfied customer!!
To make this even better today she posted not one but two photos of me and they are both AMAZING!Follow the link to her facebook page if you wanna take a peek and like her page her work is all stunning. I hope to work with both Jana and Tovi again soon!
Friday, 21 June 2013
Trying the IT WORKS bodywrap
I tried an IT WORKS body wrap last night ! My measurements were 51-47-40. I used the wrap for the suggested 45 minutes. It felt tingly like peppermint.I drank 2 bottles of water with it on. After the 45 minutes. I removed the wrap and rubbed in the leftover lotion. Then I remeasured myself. New measurements are 47-43-39. That is a pretty good amount of loss right there . I have one more wrap left and will try it out on Monday and add to this post the results.
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
Digified Photography
So today's post is going to be about one of my favourite photographers! DRUM ROLL.............. Digified Photography ran by Kyliane! She is a baby/family photographer first but has done a few of my boudoir sessions as well and always excels at whatever she is doing! She makes you feel comfortable and I am always secure in the knowledge that I am getting great quality photos for reasonable prices! Here is a link to her facebook page! (!/DigifiedPhotography?fref=ts )
Here are a few pics from my most recent shoot with her! Enjoy!
Here are a few pics from my most recent shoot with her! Enjoy!
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