Thursday 10 January 2013

Almost time to begin my weight loss journey

    Well tomorrow is our first weigh in! I am pretty nervous about it! Not a big fan of people knowing what I weigh cause I sure don't look as heavy as I am! I can't believe I let myself get this bad ! I am 100% ready for this positive change!

     Today I am officially a spokesmodel for Empowering Pix Photography! I absolutely love this photographer and am lucky to also call her my friend. We have done 11 shoots together! see some pics here at her facebook page....!/EmpoweringPix?fref=ts .

      This is fast turning into a blog about everything  in my life , not  just my weight loss story! I didn't realise I would enjoy this so much! So Re welcome to my blog about all my thought about my life! Keep an eye out for some more in depth posts in regards to my favourite things and experiences!

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