Monday 14 January 2013

Day 1

      It's coming to the end of the first day! I made it through with only a few temptations and I didn't act on those temptations! GO ME. This was not the perfect start day though. I called the doctors to get an appointment and they got me in  30 minutes later, which meant calling a cab asap and only 10 minutes to get ready to go. I still left the house looking pretty good! I made the appointment and then had to do a breath test that took an hour and I didn't  get to eat till about eleven thirty. Makes me even more proud of myself for not failing!

     I made an awesome dinner tonight using a recipe I bought here. ( ) The recipe I used  is in cookbook 1 and  is called "Dolly Parton" cabbage soup. I added in some ground turkey too and it was super yummy! Even my husband went back for seconds. Looking forward to making up some more super yummy recipes tomorrow.

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